July Meeting Reminder

  • Lots of events to talk about this month. First, and foremost, the Western Idaho Fair competition. We will be discussing all of the gears that need to turn to get this event moving.
  • If you would like to help as a judge, steward, or cellar-man, you can sign up at www.idbeer.org
  • We’ve nailed down a date and location for our club BBQ. Details will be at the meeting. Sign up now at www.snakeriverbrewers.org
  • More details on the club trip in October.
  • We will be judging the club herb and spice beer competition. Entries must arrive between 6-7 pm. No beer brought after 7pm will be included in the competition. Please bring 6 12oz bottles or 3 22oz bottles. No specific labeling necessary, all beer will be checked in as it arrives.
  • Remember that you must be a paid member of the club to participate in club competitions or events.
  • Check out the complete agenda here: https://snakeriverbrewers.org/wp/events/