September Meeting Reminder

Our next meeting is on Thursday, September 14th at Idawild Brewing. Lots of fun things coming your way for our next meeting:

-A quick recap of the club picnic last month.
-Details about the latest competition from the newly formed Contest Committee
-Planning for future club events including the Christmas party to finish out the year.

As usual, social hour begins at 6pm, club meeting starts at 7pm, and the bottleshare will close out the night.

July Meeting Reminder

On the Schedule

We’ve got a jam-packed meeting this month for all of you. Lots to cover including

A recap on the club night at the baseball park last month.

The Idaho State Fair is almost upon us. We will let everyone who is interested know how to sign up to judge or steward.

We will be discussing possible locations for the upcoming club picnic in August.

We’ll be looking for anyone interested in officer roles for the 2024-25 administration.

We’ve got a special off-flavor educational segment from Jeremy to help prep for the big competition.

As usual, social hour begins at 6pm, club meeting starts at 7pm, and the bottleshare will close out the night.

June Meeting Reminder

On the Schedule

Thanks to Adam for hosting our meeting at his home/brewery. He has asked that people show up at 6 pm at the earliest. Also, while it is a commercial brewery, it is not a taproom, so there won’t be beer to purchase. There will be plenty of samples, however.

Alliteration is located at 3880 N. Payson St. in Boise.

We’ve got lots to cover, including:

Results from the Club Baseball Outing Survey, see what day we are venturing to Hawks Stadium together.

The Idaho State Fair is coming up soon. There will be more planning for that, along with how you can volunteer.

Lots more events, including the Summer picnic, September’s meeting at Idawild, and more!

See Ya There!

May Meeting

Thursday May 11th @Homebrewstuff

The judging for the Alliteration Ales contest is coming up this week. If you are participating, bring a growler (or roughly equivalent amount) to the meeting for us all to sample and vote on.

Also coming up:

Updates on all the events we are working on this summer, including (but perhaps not limited to) The Western Idaho Fair competition, the summer picnic, Baseball outing, and future meetings at Alliteration and Idawild.

Also, a special educational segment! We took some extra wort from Alliteration and pitched a different strain of yeast into each one. Taste and hear about the amazing difference something as simple as yeast makes.

As usual, social hour begins at 6pm, the club meeting starts at 7pm, and the bottleshare will close out the night.

April Meeting Reminder

Thursday, April 13th At Homebrewstuff

The much anticipated Maibock competition is upon us! Bring a growler (or roughly equivalent amount) to the meeting for the club competition.

Also on the docket.

-A big thanks to everyone who indicated they were participating in the Alliteration Ales competition! We had a 100% pick-up rate which is so awesome. We’ll be talking about the details of that competition as well as the June meeting at Alliteration Ales coming soon.

-And in May, the AHA Big Brew Day. We’ll be discussing details about this year’s group brew.

-The work is beginning on the Western Idaho Fair competition. We’ll be discussing details leading up to that.

-Also starting to plan for the club summer picnic and potential Autumn activities and looking for people to help head that up as well.

As usual, social hour begins at 6pm, club meeting starts at 7pm, and the bottleshare will close out the night.

Competition Notes

Maibock Competition

We will be holding the Maibock competition during our meeting on April 13th. To participate simply bring about a growler’s worth (64oz) of homebrewed Maibock to the next meeting. This is not a BJCP event, just a fun, informal competition, so packaging doesn’t matter. Bring something tasty and the club will vote on their favorite.

Alliteration Ales Competition

The pick-up for the wort from Alliteration Ales is on April 7th. Here are the stats for what you will be getting:
70% Pilsner
20% White Wheat
10% Munich 10
20 IBUs Motueka Hops
1.067 starting gravity
The wort costs $20. We will have members on site to collect money. What you do with it after that is between you and whatever eldritch desires you harbor in your soul.
We will be holding that competition at our May 11th meeting.