Brewer of the Year and Monthly Agenda


Now that you have had a chance to look over the new Brewer of the Year Points Program I am looking for some feed back. After having had many discussions with various Club members I went to work and drafted the program. My goal was to creat a process by which we can all get involved and receive recognition for doing so. Starting with our April monthly meeting and going forward David and Nicole will offer a different agenda each month, whether it be a contest or purely for educational purposes. Our ultimate goal is that we all get more out of the Club than just a place to gather and drink beer. We want this to be a fun and rewarding experience. After all the purpose of the Club is for us all to become better brewers. This is a new program so let’s see how it develops. Give it a few months and if you have any concerns or ideas for improvements please feel free to contact me. Like I said, I am looking for some feed back.

Thank you David Reish and Nicole Thompson for your assistance with editing the final draft of the Brewer of the Year document. Your willingness to step up and help bring a new life to the Snake River Homebrew Club is truly appreciated.

Happy Brewing,
