Club Holiday Party

I personal want to thank everyone that show up to the party tonight. It was a lot of fun seeing you all. The food was great and beer was plentiful. Those of you who couldn’t attend please know that you were sorely missed. Congratulations to David Reish, Brewer of the Year and Bob Hubler, our Das Meiste Bier.

My you all have a Merry Christmas and have a great brewing year.

September Brewing Competition

I know there is a lot going on this time of year and with the high temperatures outside brewing beer may not be at the top of everyones to do list. But, we do have another brewery sponsored competition planned for September.

American Amber Ale- Marcus Bezulhy at Edge Brewing has gladly offered to sponsor the September Brew Club Competition. The staff at Edge will decide the winner of this contest and the winner will be announced at our September meeting. The winning participant will have the opportunity to assist brewing their recipe at the brewery to be served at the Edge Restaurant and also on tap at Home Brew Stuff. To participate you must, 1) be a paid SRB member, 2) using your own recipe, brew a batch of American Amber Ale, and 3) drop off two 12-oz bottles at Edge Brewery attention Sherry Bezulhy by Thursday September 1.

Hop Farm Tour

Gooding Farms has invited us to tour their hop farm.

When: Saturday April 16th at 10:00 a.m.

Gooding Farms is located at 23669 Batt Corner Rd, Parma, ID.

It is a little over an hours drive to the farm from Boise. For those wishing to carpool meet at the Homebrew Stuff parking lot at 8:30. We can caravan from there. Please enter your name in this Sign-up Sheet (on the Gooding Farm tab) if you are interested in car sharing as a driver or a passenger. More details about the event and carpooling will be available at the April 14th Club meeting.

Brewer of the Year and Monthly Agenda


Now that you have had a chance to look over the new Brewer of the Year Points Program I am looking for some feed back. After having had many discussions with various Club members I went to work and drafted the program. My goal was to creat a process by which we can all get involved and receive recognition for doing so. Starting with our April monthly meeting and going forward David and Nicole will offer a different agenda each month, whether it be a contest or purely for educational purposes. Our ultimate goal is that we all get more out of the Club than just a place to gather and drink beer. We want this to be a fun and rewarding experience. After all the purpose of the Club is for us all to become better brewers. This is a new program so let’s see how it develops. Give it a few months and if you have any concerns or ideas for improvements please feel free to contact me. Like I said, I am looking for some feed back.

Thank you David Reish and Nicole Thompson for your assistance with editing the final draft of the Brewer of the Year document. Your willingness to step up and help bring a new life to the Snake River Homebrew Club is truly appreciated.

Happy Brewing,


February 10, 2022 Meeting


Our next meeting will be at Home Brew Stuff on Thursday February 10th.

We will be discussing plans for the new year, the result of the Club Survey. The upcoming beer tasting classes and the BJCP Test. There are many addition topics to by covered.

This meeting is open to the public, new potential members are encouraged to swing by and check us out!

Thursday, February 10th, 2022
Happy Hour: 6:00-7:00 PM
Meeting starts @ 7:00 PM

Home Brew Stuff
9115 W Chinden Blvd, Garden City, ID 83714

January Meeting

Hello Club members.

Well here we are at the start of a new year. Unfortunately I will not be attending the club meeting this week. My intention was to introduce myself and the new club officers. So I am taking this opportunity to do so now. A few of our past officers, David, John and myself, have changed responsibilities plus we have added two new officers, Nicole and Jeremy.

Terry Jones, President

David Reish, Vice President

John Cotten, Treasure

Jeremy Jones, Secretary/Marketing

Nicole Thompson, Eduction Director

I am excited about working for you in my new role and working with all our new officers.

Cheers! Terry