July Meeting Reminder

  • Lots of events to talk about this month. First, and foremost, the Western Idaho Fair competition. We will be discussing all of the gears that need to turn to get this event moving.
  • If you would like to help as a judge, steward, or cellar-man, you can sign up at www.idbeer.org
  • We’ve nailed down a date and location for our club BBQ. Details will be at the meeting. Sign up now at www.snakeriverbrewers.org
  • More details on the club trip in October.
  • We will be judging the club herb and spice beer competition. Entries must arrive between 6-7 pm. No beer brought after 7pm will be included in the competition. Please bring 6 12oz bottles or 3 22oz bottles. No specific labeling necessary, all beer will be checked in as it arrives.
  • Remember that you must be a paid member of the club to participate in club competitions or events.
  • Check out the complete agenda here: https://snakeriverbrewers.org/wp/events/

June and July Club Contests Reminders & Resources

Happy Hump Day Brewers! Congrats to our inaugural American Wheat contest champions from the May meeting – A.J., Gary H., and Dan C. – and big thanks to Dave R. for organizing and executing the judging.

We’ve gotten some questions about upcoming club contests so see below for prep and submission details, and for some (hopefully) helpful links for adulterating your July submissions.

JUNE – Big Sticky Red IPA: This club contest will be decided by our friends at Woodland Empire and the winner will be announced during our club meeting at the brewery on June 9th. To participate you must 1) be a paid SRB member, 2) brew a batch of Big Sticky Red IPA, and 3) drop off two 12-ounce bottles at Woodland Empire by no later than Saturday, May 28th!! For additional details on this contest, check out the fact sheet here.

JULY – Herb/Spice Brew: This club contest is going to be free and easy, just like summer ought to be. That means the rules are fairly simple – submit any kind of brew (e.g., beer, cider, mead, etc.) to which you have added some type of herb or spice. Use your best judgement as to what constitutes an herb or spice if you are unsure (typically does not include fruit, vegetables, or anything illegal). To participate you must 1) be a paid SRB member, 2) brew an herb/spice entry, and 3) bring six 12-ounce bottles or three 22-ounce bottles to the club meeting at HBS on July 14th. For additional details on this contest, check out the fact sheet here.

If you are interested in making an herb/spice creation but aren’t sure where to start, check out a few of the resources below to get the creative juices flowing and make decisions about the best method for getting herb/spice flavors into your brew:

How to Brew with Herbs and Spices

Brewing with Herbs and Spices

Stone Brewing’s Herb and Spice Guide (with recommendations on addition amounts)

May Meeting Reminder

May 12th At Homebrewstuff
9115 W. Chinden Ave Suite 195
Social hour 6:00 pm
Meeting Starts at 7:00 pm

  • We’ll talk about the hop farm tour and big brew day and all of the events going forward.
  • An educational piece on herb and spiced beer along with specifics for the next club competition.
  • The big thing on the agenda is our first monthly club competition. All entries for the American Wheat club competition must arrive between 6-7 pm. No beer brought after 7 pm will be included in the competition. Please bring 6 12oz bottles or 3 22oz bottles. No specific labeling is necessary, all beer will be checked in as it arrives.
  • We’ve had a great response to the first of our in-club competitions which means that there will be a lot of beer to go through. If you’ve brewed a beer to share but it can wait until next month’s meeting, do so. With up to 16 entries this month, there’s plenty to go around

April Meeting

April 14th At Homebrewstuff
9115 W. Chinden Ave Suite 195
Social hour 6:00 pm
Meeting Starts at 7:00 pm

On the Schedule We’ll be going over the hop farm trip coming up this month, Big Brew day in May, and other upcoming events.
Updates on May’s American Wheat beer contest as well as the next contest with Woodland Empire.
The educational topic this week will be ‘What’s Up With Wheat?’
See you there!

Hop Farm Tour

Gooding Farms has invited us to tour their hop farm.

When: Saturday April 16th at 10:00 a.m.

Gooding Farms is located at 23669 Batt Corner Rd, Parma, ID.

It is a little over an hours drive to the farm from Boise. For those wishing to carpool meet at the Homebrew Stuff parking lot at 8:30. We can caravan from there. Please enter your name in this Sign-up Sheet (on the Gooding Farm tab) if you are interested in car sharing as a driver or a passenger. More details about the event and carpooling will be available at the April 14th Club meeting.

Brewer of the Year and Monthly Agenda


Now that you have had a chance to look over the new Brewer of the Year Points Program I am looking for some feed back. After having had many discussions with various Club members I went to work and drafted the program. My goal was to creat a process by which we can all get involved and receive recognition for doing so. Starting with our April monthly meeting and going forward David and Nicole will offer a different agenda each month, whether it be a contest or purely for educational purposes. Our ultimate goal is that we all get more out of the Club than just a place to gather and drink beer. We want this to be a fun and rewarding experience. After all the purpose of the Club is for us all to become better brewers. This is a new program so let’s see how it develops. Give it a few months and if you have any concerns or ideas for improvements please feel free to contact me. Like I said, I am looking for some feed back.

Thank you David Reish and Nicole Thompson for your assistance with editing the final draft of the Brewer of the Year document. Your willingness to step up and help bring a new life to the Snake River Homebrew Club is truly appreciated.

Happy Brewing,



Kick-Off of Club Contests and Brewer of the Year

Thanks to everyone who came out last night for our monthly meeting hosted at Mother Earth Nampa!

As we touched on briefly, we’re kicking off (nearly) monthly contests to help inspire members to brew more, try out new styles and techniques, and to foster some good ol’ fashioned brewer rivalry. All in the name of beer education, of course.

For those who missed last night’s meeting, or didn’t get a handout, be sure to check out our new Club Contests Overview document that explains the points accumulation rules by contest type and covers how we will be awarding various “brewer of the year” honors each December moving forward!

To get us started, our first monthly contest will take place during our monthly meeting on May 12. The theme for our inaugural contest is BJCP Category 1D: American Wheat Beer, a light, crushable, and Spring-appropriate style. We encourage you to participate either individually (or in teams!) to craft a perfect American Wheat pint that stays within the official guidelines, but expresses your unique take on this modern classic style. Need some inspiration to get started? Check out Beer and Brewing or Brew Your Own for some ideas. This contest will be decided by popular vote during the bottleshare hour, with points awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. You’ve got two months, so get brewing!!

We’ll also work to announce monthly themes/contests at least 2-3 months in advance moving forward so everyone has time to prepare. And we’ll populate the calendar and meeting agendas with contest information as we lock it in, so be sure to check that out regularly.

Any questions, concerns, or ideas for a contest, please reach out to me or to our newly anointed Contest Director, Dave Reish. Leave a message here or find us on FB or Discord.